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You Don't Get Fooled Again

While carousing through the Internet it is easy to stumble upon some things that are just too good to be true. Some of which are obvious to spot, such as the page that pops up stating that you are the lucky individual to win an all-expense paid trip to Aruba: all you need to do is give your credit card and social security numbers. On the other hand, others are more challenging to find like the fake melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer “cures”.

A recent article discussed the dangers of fraudulent online cancer treatments. In fact, these fake cancer cures could potentially harm patients or interfere with proven beneficial treatments for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), skin cancer patients should beware of products found online that claim to cure cancer. The products have not gained FDA approval and are not proven to be safe or effective. The FDA has provided several phrases that should be considered warning signs for fake cancer treatments such as: “Scientific breakthrough”, “ancient remedy”, “treats all forms of cancer” and so on.

In this day and age, it is fair to say many people look to the Internet for possible solutions/remedies before attending a physician. For skin cancer patients, it is imperative that you do what your dermatologist recommends. If you happen to find something online that you are interested in, please talk to your dermatologist before you do anything, as they know what is best for your skin!


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